The Guide is designed to meet the needs of pilots wishing to fly both domestically and internationally and planning to discover new airports. The Guide contains information which is of interest to the passengers as well.
Full list of ICAO registered airports and airfields in a number of European countries
- Photo of each of the airports
- 360o flight video for most of the airports shown in the Guide
- Basic airport characteristics - runway length a and surface, availability of fuel, additional services, points of interest in the vicinity, ground transportation, website address and contacts
- For most airports and airfields our own experience with landing at the airport concerned
- Discussion forum sharing various pilots´ experience
The European Airports Guide is located at the website of the Czech/Slovak No 1 aviation magazine Flying Revue. The address is The Guide is in the section For pilots. You can open the demo version to decide whether it meets your needs. If you are happy, you can pay EUR 20,- to get access for one year to the full list of the countries offered.
The list will be growing quickly to include by March 2025 at least the following countries and areas: Austria, the Alps, Bavaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Sardinia, Sicily, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland. Belgium, all of Germany and further European countries to follow soon.
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