

Latest revision June 30, 2020


Basic information:

Entry:  Sweden is part of the Schengen area. Flights within Schengen can land at any airport without the need to clear customs/immigration controls. Arrivals/Departures to/from any other countries need to proceed via international airports and clear the customs/immigration.
FPL: An FPL is required for all international flights and for flights which are partly or entirely carried out in controlled airspace. An FPL is also compulsory for flights at/above 5000 feet AMSL or 3000 feet AGL – whichever is higher. An FPL must be filed at least 60 minutes prior to the intended departure.   More information on filing a flight plan in Sweden can be found here:  aro.lfv.se/Editorial/View/2440...ES  
Microlights: There is no requirement to apply for a permission to fly in Sweden with an ultra light aircraft registered and airworthy in an ECAC state provided the duration of the visit in Swedish airspace is less than three (3) months. All conditions and limitations issued for the aircraft in the state of registration also applies in Sweden. If the duration of your visit exceed three (3) months a permission to fly and application thereof is required. Detailed information is available here: www.transportstyrelsen.se...sweden/


Useful links: 

ATC www.lfv.se/en - access to pilot briefing information after registration
AIP  www.aro.lfv.se/Editorial/View/IAIP – AIP Sweden
www.daec.de...schw...pdf - VFR manual Sweden
Meteo www.vader-alarm.se...aviation-weather   – weather
CAA www.transportstyrelsen.se
Other links forums.flyer.co.uk/... – interesting info on flying in Sweden


Interesting publications:

 Do you know of any? . Thank you!  


Swedish flying experience:

Do you have any experience? . Thank you! 


While we do our utmost to ensure that all the information on our website is correct and accurate, we cannot take responsibility for any irregularities, deviations or changes that are not correctly shown on our website or are not shown in a timely manner. The only authoritative source of information is the AIP and other legal/regulatory documents of each country. The regulatory information shown on our webiste is therefore just for your guidance. For your comments or suggestions please write to . Thank you! 




VFR Communication





Prague Airport live:

